Wednesday, March 5, 2025

AI Task Force: You're Invited!

Our AI Task Force, which includes 30+ teachers from Grades 3–12, met last week to finalize their recommendations for student-facing AI tools. We will soon share our plans for adopting a student-facing AI tool in the Fall. Our group tested Brisk, MagicSchool AI, SchoolAI, and Snorkl with students. Professional learning for using student-facing AI tools will begin this summer.

The next steps of the AI Task Force include curating and creating resources for helping our students develop AI literacy skills. AI literacy skills include critical thinking, ethical awareness, adaptability, prompt engineering, and lateral learning to name a few. With teacher-facing and student-facing AI tools available in the Fall, now is a great time for staff to build and strengthen AI literacy skills.

In a recent episode of The Digital Learning Podcast, hosts Holly Clark and Matt Miller highlighted the need for AI literacy skills. They discussed the ACE Framework they've developed: Awareness, Critique, and Exploration.

As a school leader, I use lateral learning with AI all the time. In a recent LETRS for Administrators meeting, we reviewed information spanning the Reading Rope, Science of Reading, Structured Literacy, and other concepts. Although I felt I knew the basics, I wanted more details. I used ChatGPT to provide summaries to complement my knowledge so I could learn laterally during the training. 

If you're interested in this work, please email me ( to join the AI Task Force.

Barrington 220 Department of Technology and Innovation Update

Each year, the Department of Technology and Innovation in Barrington 220 shares a Department Update with our Board of Education. This article provides a summary of the key areas that define our department’s work.

About the Department

Dr. Matt Fuller, Assistant Superintendent of Technology and Innovation, oversees the Department of Technology and Innovation in Barrington 220. Our department’s three primary areas include:

  • Instructional Technology and Innovation—Mr. Joe Robinson, Director of Innovation
  • Technology Services and Infrastructure—Mr. Russ Vander Mey, Director of Technology Services
  • Student Information Systems—Ms. Tracy Harper, Director of Student Information

In addition, our department supports the district’s Teacher Librarians, elementary STEM teachers, Transportation services, and our district Print Center (located at Barrington High School). Our department is highly collaborative and works with other district departments to support all technology and innovation needs across the district. Our department is responsible for implementing all Future Readiness objectives, supports all other Framework 220 objectives, and maintains strong ties to the Health and Well-being and Personalized Learning objectives.

Barrington 220 One to World Program

The Barrington 220 One to World program is a district-wide initiative that integrates technology into teaching and learning. Since its introduction in 2013–14, the program has expanded to all grade levels, providing 24/7 device access with iPads as the primary learning tool for PK–12+ students. 

The Department of Technology and Innovation collaborates with the Teaching and Learning Department to provide training for staff through Summer University, featuring topics like Apple Teacher Certification, blended learning, AI tools, and classroom technology management. Resources for families are available through the One to World for Families website, and instructional technology team members regularly join PTO meetings to share updates and gather feedback.

Technology Support & Device Management

Technology support in Barrington 220 follows a tiered model, starting with Library Technology Assistants (LTAs) at schools, escalating to the district Technology Support Team led by Technology Support Supervisor Mark Polzin (housed at Barrington High School serving the entire district). Device management includes app distribution, software updates, lost device recovery, incident tracking, security enhancements, inventory control, and other features.

Recent infrastructure upgrade projects include:

  • VoIP Telephone System Upgrade, enhancing communication, safety, and security.
  • Classroom Display Upgrades, replacing aging projectors with flat-panel displays and Apple TV for wireless sharing.
  • Wi-Fi Equipment Upgrades, ensuring reliable network access among our 700+ wireless access points.

Barrington 220 prioritizes cybersecurity awareness, implementing monthly phishing training and using 24/7 endpoint security for threat detection. The district participates in MS-ISAC, a national cybersecurity collaboration.

Student Information

The district uses Infinite Campus as its Student Information System (SIS). Director of Student Information Services Tracy Harper leads the student information team, along with Assistant Director Tim Woomert. This department offers Infinite Campus professional development, is working to improve online registration (OLR), and worked with the district administration to develop a comprehensive Attendance page for our families. New Point-of-Sale machines were also introduced in food service areas this year.

Digital Citizenship & Social Media Awareness

The Social Media Awareness and Digital Citizenship Advisory Committee (comprised of over 60 members, including students, staff, parents, and community members) collaborates to promote responsible technology use. The district has worked with Dr. Devorah Heitner to study social media impacts and align digital citizenship curriculum with AASL National School Library Standards.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration

Barrington 220 has been actively exploring AI tools to support learning. The AI Task Force that includes over 25 educators is evaluating AI applications, including Brisk, MagicSchool, SchoolAI, Khanmigo, and Snorkl, ensuring tools align with iPad compatibility, teacher autonomy, and student engagement monitoring.

If you are interested in reading the full Board of Education Update, please access it here.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Introducing Let's Try It Classrooms!

In our pursuit of fostering innovation within our classrooms, we are excited to introduce the idea of "Let's Try It" classrooms. We want to bring the success of our innovative programs in Barrington 220 into our classrooms.

Educational thought leaders like Dan Meyer advocate for creating environments where students and teachers feel safe to explore and experiment with concepts. In his discussion on "Creating 'Let's Try It' Classrooms," Meyer emphasizes the importance of nurturing a classroom culture that values diverse thinking and encourages students to engage deeply with material. We want our teachers to share this feeling of support for new ideas, too!

We see two pathways for getting started with Let's Try It classrooms. First, we will share an idea through these blog posts and offer for teachers to apply to try it. Second, we would love to hear from you! If you have an idea for a new instructional strategy or technology, let us know and we will work together to try it.

Our first Let's Try It classroom opportunity features Snorkl, an AI-driven platform that provides instant feedback on students' verbal and visual explanations. Snorkl empowers students to make their metacognition audible, promoting deeper understanding, and engagement. Teachers gain valuable insights into student thinking, allowing for more targeted instruction. Here is last month's article about Snorkl

We invite you to participate in this initiative by integrating Snorkl into your teaching practices. To get started or propose your own Let's Try It classroom idea, please email me at

Related: Here is a list of 40 AI Tools from Matt Miller.

Let's try it!

2025 Summer School Registration is OPEN!

Registration is open now for Summer 2025 programming in Barrington 220. 

Registration for August 2025 programming, which includes Camp 6th Grade, will open in May 2025. Parents and guardians of incoming kindergarteners and/or students new to the district, please visit the summer school web page for additional registration information.

Academic summer school courses begin on Monday, June 9, 2025, for all grade levels!

Course guides and a registration link are available on our summer school web page.

Registration for both high school summer school sessions will close on June 2, 2025, and registration for elementary and middle school classes will close on June 12, 2025. June/July 2025 camp registration will remain open until the day before camp begins. 

As staffing decisions are made based on registration, the district is unable to offer refunds after May 9, 2025.

Campus Community Role-Specific Resources

Infinite Campus has some Role-Specific Resources in the Campus Community. The page offers specific training based on the following roles:
  • Counselors & Administrators—Academic planning, behavior, and early warning
  • Front Office Staff—Online registration, messenger, and attendance
  • Teachers & Curriculum Directors—Teaching center, grade book, and progress monitor
  • Technology Staff—Reporting, user security, and auditing options
  • Parents and Students—Stay informed about school, fees, forms, assignments and grades
Access the resources here: Role Specific Resources

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