Thursday, May 9, 2024

Upgrades for macOS Nearing the Finish Line

This year the Tech Department has emphasized the importance of our getting our Mac computers on the latest operating system to ensure the highest level of cybersecurity. We are pleased to say that staff members have answered the call in a big way! Several staff started the year on two- and three-year-old versions of macOS, but with some communication and assistance, the vast majority of staff completed their upgrades. We can't thank you enough for your efforts and cooperation. Thanks to all of you, Barrington 220's digital landscape is a safer place to be.

We are now working with our final group of staff members who need to upgrade to macOS 14. You've probably seen the notifications asking you to upgrade, and we hope you'll act soon so we can get everybody on the latest macOS by the end of the school year. For those of you who are finding it challenging because of space limitations on your computers, please reach out to your building's LTA or the Tech Department (x.1500) and we'll be happy to assist.

Going forward we hope that staff members will be more aware of the need to keep computers updated. Note that you will need 30GB available on your hard drive to help make the process run more smoothly.

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