Friday, May 17, 2019

Submitting a Tech Ticket is Now Easier Than Ever

Thanks to our new ticketing system, Zendesk, opening a Tech Ticket is now as easy as sending an email! If you're having a technology-related issue, simply compose a new email in Gmail, address it to, put a brief description in the Subject line, give us the details of the issue in the body, and click Send. You've just opened a Tech Ticket!

Not only can you open a ticket using email, but all correspondence regarding the ticket can be done by email as well. When you first open a ticket using email, you'll get an email back confirming that the ticket was opened. Whenever the Technology Department puts notes in the ticket, you'll get an email with those notes so you're kept up-to-date on the ticket's progress. You can even Reply to a Zendesk email and that correspondence will be added to the ticket.

When sending an email to open a Tech Ticket, please provide as much information as possible including your building, your room, and a detailed description of the problem and anything you've tried to fix it yourself.

Here is an example of what you might include in your email if there were an issue with a device in your room:

When the ticket has been opened, you'll receive a confirmation email. This is what it will look like in your inbox:

Here is the email confirming that your ticket has been opened:

We believe this new ticketing system will make it easier for users to open tickets, as well as to stay better informed about the progress of the issue. Should you have any questions about opening up a ticket, you are always welcome to call x1500.

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