Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Barrington 220 to Expand Powerful ViP PD Model

Barrington 220 is currently facilitating the Framework 220 process which seeks input from stakeholders as we define our vision for the future of education in our district. As a participant, I am reminded of the importance of vision statements serving as more than an aspirational set of words on a website or colorful graphics we post on the walls of our buildings. For the vision statement to serve a purpose, we must turn the aspirational into the practical. Vision statements should serve as a blueprint for our decisions and actions.

One successful example of this has been the Vision in Practice (ViP) experience at Barrington High School. In the summer of 2019, teachers and administrators from BHS participated in an immersive, week-long training. They engaged with our Instructional Digital Age Learning (iDAL) coaches and Apple Professional Learning Specialists (APLs) in a series of hands-on activities designed to model innovative and transformational teaching and learning practices in a 1:1 iPad environment.

This year, select BHS teachers received ongoing support and training with the iDAL coaches and APLs to deepen their understanding and develop lessons that reflect these practices. Participants then planned and implemented professional development for other staff members during Inservice Days. 

This summer, Barrington 220 expands the Vision in Practice (ViP) model to elementary and middle school staff members. Teachers and administrators who are interested are invited to participate.

What is Vision in Practice (ViP)?

The goal of the ViP experience is to transform the One to World vision statement from aspirational to practical by cultivating and supporting building-level leaders in instructional technology. The ViP experience facilitates the development, implementation, and transfer of innovative technology-based learning strategies and mindsets. The ViP experience consists of a week-long launch and a year-long cohort. 

Barrington 220 Vision for Teaching & Learning​ in the Digital Age

Barrington 220 provides students with learning opportunities to be successful global citizens. The One to World initiative transforms teaching and learning to ensure all students:
  • Participate equally in the teaching and learning process.
  • Engage in a personalized learning experience. 
  • Demonstrate learning in a variety of ways.
  • Connect and collaborate with global audiences.
  • Select and use dynamic, credible resources.
  • Develop and explore complex questions.

ViP Participants

Administrators, coaches, teachers, and LTAs are invited to participate in this training. Participants should have a firm grasp of teaching with technology and be willing to stretch their thinking about what is possible in a 1:1 iPad environment. Participants are those who are already seen as building leaders in innovative practices and administrators who want to improve their understanding of teaching and learning with technology.

ViP Launch

ViP Launch is a 4-day workshop introducing strategies and mindsets to maximize instructional technology use. 
  • When: June 6–9, 2022, 8:00 AM–3:00 PM each day
  • Where: TBA
  • What: Participants will engage with Apple Professional Learning Specialists in a series of hands-on activities designed to model innovative and transformational teaching and learning practices in a 1:1 iPad environment. 

ViP Cohort

After completing the ViP Launch experience, participants will be invited to join the ViP Cohort. This team will receive additional ongoing professional development and support throughout the school year with time to plan to share their learning with the rest of the staff. 

If you are interested in participating in the ViP experience, please email Ty Gorman at tgorman@barrington220.org.

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